Today, April 22, is Earth Day. Celebrate this gift-- fall in love with earth again With spring drifting around and past the edges of winter-- Warmth-bearing air and life-bearing pollen, Home-soil, Sustaining, gifting, offering arms, palms, leaves and branches filled, Nourishing life, giving – giving – always giving. Bearing wounds – forgiving - emptying Refill the well- Plant, nurture, tend, protect. Return in wisdom what has been given-- Abundant giving, without self-seeking or –indulgence. Live earth-bound with respect and gratefulness, Bowing minds and wills to Creator and creation-- We cannot re-create what has been given, and once lost, will cease to be life’s home. Refill the well. |
Churches using their green spaces for community gardens
Families buying local, eating local—refusing to support long-distance transportation and foods modified for shelf life instead of nutrition or freshness
Couples using purifier pitchers and faucets rather than purchasing cases of plastic-bottled water – or just drinking the tap water; regardless of what the commercials say—it’s fine!
Parents teaching children to plant and nurture and grow and love living things
Families taking the time to plan shopping and errands to save gas miles
People recycling – that’s half the equation
People committing to spending more to buy recycled – that’s the other half
Proving our strength by not buying the highest-powered, biggest pickups and RVs
Everyone trying to buy the highest mileage vehicles they can afford – even when it’s a squeeze
Shoppers buying everything we can at local Farm Markets
Buying – or making our own – green cleaning agents, detergents, etc.
Doing energy audits on our homes – contact the utility companies for information and help
Buying led or compact fluorescent light bulbs; they’re improving every day and will probably last half (or all!) of our lifetimes
Planting a tree. Planting several.
Churches hosting Farm Markets or “free” farm markets
Composting. If we do it right, it won’t smell, will save us $ in our gardens and reduce landfills.
Studying our trash. It can teach us a lot about how we live on the earth and how to do that better
Using reusable shopping bags – put them in the front seat so we don’t forget them.
Love the earth, and she’ll support us and provide for all we need. She’s a gift, and we’re the stewards of that gift.
Signing petitions and making calls to our elected officials – over and over and over again.