Christ Episcopal Church Xenia Worship information
Our Worship….The Episcopal Church is a “liturgical church” – we follow the ancient form of worship found in the early Church, wedded to the needs and prayer of the church of today.
Our primary service is Holy Eucharist, and this is comprised of two parts: the Word of God and Holy Communion. In the Word, we hear Scriptures from the Hebrew (Old) Testament, the Psalms, the Epistles, and the Gospels. We respond with prayer and song, ending this first half of the liturgy with Confession, which leads us to a sharing of God’s peace with each other. |
So prepared and renewed, we are ready to share the great gift of Eucharist. Gathering around the Table of the Lord, we pray with our priest who repeats the ancient words of Consecration. These are little changed from the earliest documents of the Christian Church, and are found in various forms in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke and in Paul’s first letter to the Church in Corinth. We then share in the meal Jesus provided for us in the last supper, doing as he commanded with his words: “…do this in memory of me.” Luke 22:19b
Our members are deeply involved in our worship, serving as Eucharistic Ministers at the Table, Readers, Cross-bearers, Choir, and Intercessors. In addition, we have healing prayer in the Library during Holy Communion, and frequently Eucharistic Visitors will take Holy Communion to our shut-ins after the worship.
Holy Eucharist is our great joy and we believe that Scripture and Eucharist, when shared in the community of God’s people, are our primary connection to the God who loves us beyond our imagining.
We have other ways of worshiping as well. From the monastic tradition of the Christian Church we take the “Offices”. The monastic practice was to pray the Hours of the day, and communities of religious gathered every three hours for community prayer, throughout the 24 hours of each day. From this ancient practice we have taken the Offices of Morning Prayer, Noon Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline, or the final prayer of the day. Occasionally we may pray Morning Prayer on a Sunday rather than Holy Eucharist. We have trained and licensed Worship Leaders who conduct these services with joy and reverence, and many Episcopalians pray some or all of the Offices daily in their own private prayer.
We invite you to join us in our worship, Sunday mornings at 9:30. You will find a warm welcome here!
Sunday Services
9:30 AM Worship Service
followed by Coffee Hour
10:30 AM Parish Brunch (in lieu of Coffee Hour)
First Sunday of each month between Labor Day and Memorial Day.
Also, see our schedule and our announcements for events specific to a date
9:30 AM Worship Service
followed by Coffee Hour
10:30 AM Parish Brunch (in lieu of Coffee Hour)
First Sunday of each month between Labor Day and Memorial Day.
Also, see our schedule and our announcements for events specific to a date