Altar Guild
by Pam Feinour
10/2015 post:
To start I'm using and quoting information from our Complete Training Course for Altar Guilds by B. Don Taylor I'll be the first to say that I'm not an expert in the Altar Guild by any means. Our altar guild is comprised of all women and probably most churches are. Altar guilds were originally monks or laymen in minor orders. In general terms our duties are to prepare all things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments and offices of the church. We're a very small group at our church and we're always open for more members women or men. Next month I'll talk about our duties during Advent.
To start I'm using and quoting information from our Complete Training Course for Altar Guilds by B. Don Taylor I'll be the first to say that I'm not an expert in the Altar Guild by any means. Our altar guild is comprised of all women and probably most churches are. Altar guilds were originally monks or laymen in minor orders. In general terms our duties are to prepare all things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist and other sacraments and offices of the church. We're a very small group at our church and we're always open for more members women or men. Next month I'll talk about our duties during Advent.