Dear Visitors, Seekers, Doubters, & Friends-
Welcome! You are welcome to visit, to ask questions, to sit on the sidelines or to jump right into the midst of things. We welcome you, wherever you are on your journey to God, or if you are not even certain who God might be. We welcome “cradle Episcopalians”, visitors from other traditions, those who have never been part of any church at all. Whoever you are – wherever you are…you are welcomed here.
What is the Episcopal Church?
We are part of the Christian family, and our heart is our liturgy - the way we worship - found in the tradition of the Book of Common Prayer. In the Prayer Book we find and honor our roots, our present, and our future. Our principal liturgical tradition is Holy Eucharist, which consists of two parts: the Word of God, and the Holy Communion. We also pray the “Offices” of the Church: Morning and Evening Prayer, Noon Prayer, and Compline, the final Office, or Prayer, of the day.
We base our lives on Scripture, on the ancient tradition of the Church, and on reason. These three together are known as “the three-legged stool” on which Episcopal life rests. Reason, that third “leg”, is what makes Episcopal life interesting and vital. We do not dictate morality or life choices for anyone. We believe that each of us, with honesty and good conscience, is called to wrestle with the hard questions, to seek God’s vision and will above all else, to discern the meaning of the Word of God in all times and in all situations, to grow and change in the light of what we learn.
We believe we continue to evolve in our understanding of who God is – and who we are in relationship with God and each other. We believe we are called to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world; to transform the world through the love and mission of God. Those who enjoy freedom of conscience and thought, and willingly take responsibility for their journey with God, may find in this faith tradition a true and good home.
Given the nature of our belief system, you may find variances in worship style, in religious viewpoints, in social and political leanings, and in understanding of God. There sometimes is friction, of course, and disagreement - but we work to insure that the person, lifestyle and work of each is honored, excluding no one for any reason. We are a tapestry that is rich in color and form, in texture and in shape, created to give glory to God in our work, our worship, our relationships—our entire lives!
You are welcomed here!