Heart and Hands Prayer Shawl Ministry
Heart and Hands is short for Hearts to God Hands to Work. We are a group of people who love to knit, crochet, quilt, do hand work. Gathering on the first and third Saturdays of each month in the Parish House across the street, we begin with prayer, light a candle, then dig into our project bags and begin to work. The ministry is creating preemie caps and prayer shawls, but we also find time to work on other projects too. Mostly we enjoy the fellowship of faithful people doing a “small thing with great love." Please join us if you like this kind of work and fellowship.
Heart and Hands continues to meet faithfully almost every two weeks. Prayer shawls have taken a back seat to the making of preemie bonnets.
At the last meeting we had made 110 bonnets, with a goal of 150, which is approximately a three month supply. The finished and blessed bonnets will go to MVH in Dayton. Perhaps after this crunch for so many preemie bonnets, we will again have more diversify with shawls, scarfs, bonnets, chemo hats for children and adults. Suggestions are welcomed.
Plans are afoot to gather at The Wool Gathering in YSO, this September. Also a luncheon and 'fiber' shopping spree is in the planning stage for November.
Here's a reminder to our church family, all are WELCOME to share in this ministry. You can learn to crochet or knit in a matter of a couple hours, which is the length of our biweekly meetings. Also you may simply sit and chatter, pray, share your ideas. For projects, bring anything you choose to work on, or nothing but yourself.
We laugh and share some wisdom, please consider joining us.
Peace in Christ, Barbara
At the last meeting we had made 110 bonnets, with a goal of 150, which is approximately a three month supply. The finished and blessed bonnets will go to MVH in Dayton. Perhaps after this crunch for so many preemie bonnets, we will again have more diversify with shawls, scarfs, bonnets, chemo hats for children and adults. Suggestions are welcomed.
Plans are afoot to gather at The Wool Gathering in YSO, this September. Also a luncheon and 'fiber' shopping spree is in the planning stage for November.
Here's a reminder to our church family, all are WELCOME to share in this ministry. You can learn to crochet or knit in a matter of a couple hours, which is the length of our biweekly meetings. Also you may simply sit and chatter, pray, share your ideas. For projects, bring anything you choose to work on, or nothing but yourself.
We laugh and share some wisdom, please consider joining us.
Peace in Christ, Barbara