Welcome to Christ Church, Xenia!
And we really do mean that. We are an open and affirming congregation, and our welcome is extended to everyone, because we believe that everyone is loved and welcomed by God. We invite you to come and visit; worship with us, share conversation and food at Coffee Hour, and join in the many ways we share the gifts God has given us with each other and with our larger community.
It doesn’t matter if you are a life-long Episcopalian, from another denomination or tradition, or simply not certain what, if anything, you believe. There is a place for you here, and acceptance, and a multitude of ways for you to use your gifts. While we are a small, “family-sized” church, we do have a great heart for God and the world.
Come and visit! Visit to stay - you are welcome in this place.
If you would like to learn more about the Episcopal Church, click on the “Episcopal Church” tab at the top.
It doesn’t matter if you are a life-long Episcopalian, from another denomination or tradition, or simply not certain what, if anything, you believe. There is a place for you here, and acceptance, and a multitude of ways for you to use your gifts. While we are a small, “family-sized” church, we do have a great heart for God and the world.
Come and visit! Visit to stay - you are welcome in this place.
If you would like to learn more about the Episcopal Church, click on the “Episcopal Church” tab at the top.
Church Trip to Marian Library Nativity Exhibit on Dec. 14th!
Sunday Adult Formation – Rev Jean on Infancy Narrative - On Dec. 15th! - Tales of Mary – Comparing the Gospel with Syrah 29 Book of Mary from the Koran
OUr Vision
At Christ Episcopal Church Xenia we strive to be
a welcoming, inclusive, and worship-centered congregation. In our life as a community we hope to live and spread the Gospel so that those we encounter will come to know God. We encourage spirit-filled, joyful participation in all aspects of our life as church, and we prayerfully base our decisions and actions on the foundation of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason - the Episcopal “three-legged stool”. You are welcome to visit and to ask questions, to join us, to bring your gifts, and to be blessed as we are blessed – by the Presence and love of God. Sunday Services
Bible Study
- pending List of Upcoming events and schedule
Events:Recorded & Written Sermons
Check out the sermons (some recorded and some written) of Rev. Jennifer and others who have visited here! https://www.christ-episcopal-xenia.org/sermons.html Opportunities
Volunteers Needed to Make Soup on Tuesdays Doug Pultz is leading the charge to feed the wonderful volunteers of the Share 1 to 1 Clothes Ministry and some of the people in the community that come to the Nickell House on Tuesdays! If you're willing to help, bring your soups (6 to 10 servings, if possible) to the church on Sunday and Doug will prepare them for Tuesday. If you can, please freeze the soup so that it can keep until Doug can prepare it. A huge thanks to Doug for implementing this great idea! Monthly Suggestions for the Xenia FISH Food Pantry At the Annual Meeting, we discovered that our donations to the FISH Food Pantry have been down and we are trying to do better for 2023. We will do monthly suggestions for what to get to donate. August - Homeless personal hygiene items for the Donovan's project Our annual school supplies drive for Xenia students Any non-perishable food items and monetary donations are always welcome. Please keep a look out for clearance items! Marge Hanna Zeig will be hosting via Zoom as we together read The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson. We will meet from 11:00 to 12:30, beginning September 27 th and ending October 25 th – five weeks. Email the office for contact information. ABOUT THE WARMTH OF OTHER SUNS “From 1915 to 1970, this exodus of almost six million people changed the face of America. Wilkerson compares this epic migration to the migrations of other peoples in history. She interviewed more than a thousand people, and gained access to new data and official records, to write this definitive and vividly dramatic account of how these American journeys unfolded, altering our cities, our country, and ourselves.” https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/190696/the-warmth-of-other-suns-by-isabel-wilkerson/. HEALING Service have been postponed until further notice
New Emails for the Parish Office for our Reverend - contact parish office Parish Administrator Nikki - [email protected] COVID-19 Info
Announcement during COVID-19The Dioceses Declares Masks Optional!
The Diocesan COVID Medical Task Force issued the following updated guidelines on March 3rd, 2022:
Read the complete guidelines here. Please be prepared for changes as we continue to learn about this virus--and as the virus continues to evolve. Leaders, lay and ordained, should continue to monitor COVID spread locally, both to assess the larger community and the needs of parish. A trend signaling increased spread of the virus, or the arrival of a troubling new variant, will require a return to stricter guidelines. Service Announcement during COVID-19 |
SCAMS! Or why doesn’t my firewall work?
We all know scams are a pain. There’s always questions on how to block them all. Bottomline: YOU CAN’T. Firewalls, spam blockers, etc. will catch many of them, but nothing is the perfect shield.
The best way to handle the situation is if you receive an unsolicited email or text that sounds like they want money & you don’t know who they are, it’s probably a scam (or a telemarketer). If you receive a messaged that is badly misspelled/doesn’t sound like something the person you know would say, it’s probably a scam (e.g. this last text said it was from Rev. Jean but wasn’t her number & was addressed to my husband—why would she want Ryan’s money when I’m the junior warden/parishioner?).
If a suspicious email has a link, never click it and DON’T hit reply!
If they want you to call back/email back, don’t use the provided number or email. Instead, call the person with the number you know is the person you know or start a new email with the correct email that you know they use. The bad guys will use a mask on the email that looks like it’s right, but really the reply is going to their bogus email.
Call or email that person with their email. It takes a few minutes to verify the request, and saves you tons of money, stress, and hassle.
The best way to handle the situation is if you receive an unsolicited email or text that sounds like they want money & you don’t know who they are, it’s probably a scam (or a telemarketer). If you receive a messaged that is badly misspelled/doesn’t sound like something the person you know would say, it’s probably a scam (e.g. this last text said it was from Rev. Jean but wasn’t her number & was addressed to my husband—why would she want Ryan’s money when I’m the junior warden/parishioner?).
If a suspicious email has a link, never click it and DON’T hit reply!
If they want you to call back/email back, don’t use the provided number or email. Instead, call the person with the number you know is the person you know or start a new email with the correct email that you know they use. The bad guys will use a mask on the email that looks like it’s right, but really the reply is going to their bogus email.
Call or email that person with their email. It takes a few minutes to verify the request, and saves you tons of money, stress, and hassle.
Click on the button to the right to venture out to our weekly newsletter.
Christ Episcopal Church Xenia will be holding Eucharist and Morning Prayer on Sundays at 9:30 am in person and will be streamed online. The past streamed sessions are on Facebook and on our webpage https://www.christ-episcopal-xenia.org/
You can also catch the sermon transcript on our webpage under the our worship - sermons heading. Click on Evening Devotion to go to the page dedicated to this information: |